Kids Bowl Free This Summer
Filling your kids’ summer schedules can be pretty challenging, especially if you’re on a budget. If FREE is the right price for your budget, you may want to check out There are several bowling alleys in the area offering two free games of bowling per kid, every day this summer. There really are only three conditions:
· Kids must be 15 and under
· You must pay standard shoe rental, per person, unless you own your own shoes
· You must comply with the hours of the bowling center you choose.
“Our family is so big that I got two family passes last year so we could all bowl. The older kids really loved it,” said Right now,for a limited, you’ll get a $25 gift certificate to That basically makes your pass free. And, when you refer your friends to, your name will be entered in a drawing for a free family trip to Disney World. This is a huge bargain, all for the cost of renting bowling shoes. And, it gets your entire family up and moving.
To register your kids for the free games, go to, pick a bowling center and fill out the online form. You will receive a confirmation e-mail that you must respond to before you are subscribed. Your passes will be e-mailed to you every Sunday, or you can print them from your account on
If you plan to use the passes at least once a week, consider searching online for an inexpensive pair of bowling shoes. The cost to rent shoes averages $4 to $5 per person. currently has shoes on clearance as low as $17.39. It might not be economical to buy kids’ shoes since they grow out of them quickly, but adult shoes at that price would pay for themselves in about four visits to the bowling alley.
You really can’t go wrong with this deal from
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