Halloween Clearance Items That Will Benefit You all Year Long
When people hear the words Halloween clearance, they
automatically think of costumes. That certainly makes sense. Costumes are one
of the many reasons I love to shop Halloween clearance sales. My son has
already told me he wants to be “something creepy” next year, and there’s a good
chance I can make that happen for at least 50 percent less money if I buy the
costume this week.
But costumes aren’t the only reason to shop Halloween
clearance. There are lots of items on sale after Halloween that can be used
When stored at the right temperature, candy lasts a long
time. Plus, Halloween is the only time some types of candy are sold in small,
personal sized packages. Those work well as party favors and for donations to schools,
scouts and other organizations that can use candy for prizes and parties.
Arts and Crafts
Halloween crafts go beyond pumpkins and bats. Stock up on
fall themed stickers, scrapbook paper in Halloween colors, stencils, markers,
etc. Even if the markers or crayons have Halloween decorations on the outside,
they still are just plain colors that can be used year round.
I’m not just talking about skeletons with light-up eyes or
plastic pumpkins. Think about various colored ribbon, orange and black
streamers, fall-themed cushions, fall floral items, vases, colored lights and
more. Don’t just think of Halloween when you are filtering through the
clearance items. Think about those items can be used for other occasions.
Costume Accessories
as Toys
My son had a Harry Potter themed party for his birthday in
September. A friend of his gave him a very cool Harry Potter wand that his mom
bought in the costume section of a store. It was meant to be a costume accessory,
but it also makes a great toy. There are lots of costume accessories that can
double as toys. If you can get them on sale, you can keep them in your closet
for the next time you need a gift for someone.
The key to shopping any clearance sale is thinking outside
the box. When shopping Halloween clearance, take a good luck at how else you
might use something that’s on sale – weather it’s for regular household use, a
gift or anything else. It’s worth the savings if you know you’ll use it.