Discounted Vaccines and Other Health Services for Families
Lots of things change when one or more people in your home lose a job. One of the biggest changes in our home is health insurance. We don’t have any. That can be frightening when you have a child. It’s even more frightening when your child plays sports.
What I’m about to share with you is information I found while researching a different topic. If your family needs medical services and you either have no insurance or high deductible insurance, I hope you can benefit from these programs.
They aren’t just for school aged kids anymore. The Texas Legislature now requires students entering college in Texas to have a Meningitis Vaccine. School age kids must be up to date on all of their vaccines to enter school in the fall.
Dallas County charges $10 for the first vaccine and $5 for each additional vaccine for anyone age 18 and under who either doesn’t have health insurance or has insurance that doesn’t cover vaccines. Families eligible for Medicaid and CHIP also qualify for this program. See more information here.
Tarrant County charges $14 for one immunization and $25 for two or more, for anyone age 19 and under. See more information here.
Ellis County offers an indigent health program. See details here.
Discounted Prescriptions, Labs and Imaging in Dallas County
Print a FREE prescription card from the Dallas County Health and Human Services website to get discounts up to 65% off prescriptions. Disclaimer: I did not receive even close to that much of a discount, but my prescription also has no generic, and that could make a difference. Information for discount labs and imaging is also available at the above link for the prescription card. For testing of major diseases that pose a public health concerns, click here. Dallas County also offers well child exams for children from birth to age five for just $5.
Screening for Breast and Cervical Cancer in Tarrant County
Tarrant County provides screening for Breast and Cervical Cancer at its main campus. Families must meet certain poverty guidelines to qualify. For example, a family of four must make a gross income of $46,100 or less. Screening is available for women age 18 and up. See more information here.
For more detailed information about what health services your county offers, Google the Health and Human Services Department of the country where you live (i.e. Dallas County Health and Human Services). These programs are designed to help take care of people who are having difficulty finding affordable healthcare. If you qualify, take advantage of these services.
If you have been denied insurance because of a pre-existing condition, or have not had access to health insurance for at least six months, click here for affordable options.