Your NCU Membership Saves You Money on Area Attractions
If you have season passes to Six Flags or Hawaiian Falls that have expired or are about to, you may want to check out these discounts before you renew. I’m sure glad I did.
Six Flags
My family’s Six Flags passes expired in January. I didn’t renew, because the prices went up, and the only deal they were offering was for a family of four. I have a family of three, and I didn’t see the value in spending as much for three tickets as larger families were spending on four passes. Thanks to NCU, that’s no longer an issue.
I can order as few as one pass or as many as 100 passes through this link ((Username: NCUDALOT, Password: SixFlags9) and pay only $54.99 for a Play Pass. It’s the same thing as a season pass, minus the coupon book that I probably wouldn’t use anyway. I can also order a full fledged Season Pass for $59.99. That’s $10 cheaper than buying them directly from Six Flags - a savings of $30 for my family, and even more for you if your family is larger. Discounted one-day tickets are also available. Six Flags over Texas in Arlington opens March 5.
Hawaiian Falls
Hawaiian Falls season passes are available through this link (password: NCU1234). You can save $10 per pass. Order by February 28 and receive a free ticket to a Frisco RoughRiders or Grand Prairie Air Hogs ticket with each season pass. Hawaiian Falls doesn’t actually open until the end of May, but the regular season price will go up before then.
Neighborhood also offers discounted tickets to Sea World San Antonio and for the Dallas Mavericks (Special Offer Code: myncu).
With Spring Break just weeks away, now is a good time take advantage of these money-saving offers.