Honor Our Veterans by Giving Back
Veterans Day is a time to recognize and appreciate the men and women who have sacrificed so much to protect our country. The best way to thank them is to support them both at home and abroad. Here are few ways you can honor these brave soldiers.
Support Wounded Warriors
The USO has partnered with GiveBack10 to raise awareness and support of the countless wounded warriors who have returned home from battle. GiveBack10 was founded in 2010 by Tim Noonan, a former Marine, to drive a national dialogue on the moral imperative of every American to give back to wounded warriors. The program has three components:
Take 10 minutes to learn about the issues affecting wounded warriors and their families.
Tell 10 people and help hem embrace a new perspective about our wounded warriors.
Give back 10 – Make a donation to support programs that help wounded soldiers recover.
From physical health, recreation, and family strengthening activities to job education and skills building, this program provides the necessary support to help men and women throughout their recovery.
Local Veterans Hospitals
There are local veterans in every community that need your support. Remember them and their families as they continue to deal with the struggles that resulted from their tour or duty. You can show support by helping military families in your community and by remembering the hospitalized veterans in local Veterans Affairs medical centers. VA North Texas Healthcare System is a Dallas-area Veteran’s medical facility.
Send Holiday Cards to Soldiers
The American Red Cross is sponsoring a national “Holiday Mail for Heroes” campaign to receive and distribute holiday cards to service members, veterans and their families in the United States and abroad. The card campaign includes those working and receiving care at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. A special P.O. Box address may be found here. Cards must be postmarked no later than Dec. 10.
Send Care Packages To Soldiers
The Department of Defense advises citizens to identify troops through friends and family or by going through one of the groups listed here. Each group has contact with service men and women and will have a list of items to include in a care package. For security reasons, care packages cannot be addressed to “any soldier” or an entire group/platoon.
American soldiers put their lives on the line every day to protect the freedoms we hold so dear but often take from granted her at home. Consider supporting them in some way this Veterans Day.