When your budget is tight, it can seem impossible to save $50. Here are eight ways to help you do it quickly and relatively easily. Give it a try. You might be surprised at how easy it can be.
1. Pay Yourself First
Some people have the $50 but spend it before it gets saved. The best rule of thumb is to pay yourself first. If your household receives regular paychecks, have a specific amount automatically deposited to your savings account. You’ll be surprised how fast it adds up.
2. Do It Yourself
Are you paying people for services you can do yourself like yard maintenance or house cleaning? If these services are taking a significant bite out of your budget, you might try doing them yourself or cutting back on how often they are performed by someone else.
3. Utilities
Review your monthly bills for cable, internet, cell phone and similar providers to see if you are being billed for services you don’t use. You could easily save $50 a month by cutting out internet access on your cell phone or reducing the number of channels you subscribe to on cable, FIOS or Satellite television. Pay for what you use and drop all the extras you can do without. Switching providers could also save you a bunch. That includes electricity.
4. Transportation
Gasoline expenses and auto loan payments can really impact your ability to save more money. If you are paying on an auto loan from another financial institution, see if you can refinance it at Neighborhood for a lower interest rate and lower monthly payment.
The easiest way to save on gasoline is to drive less, but that’s not always practical in the Dallas area. Other options include the DART rail. Many companies in the area purchase monthly rail passes for their employees and some will even purchase them for spouses. Toll Tag expenses can also add up. See how much you spend a month on the Tollway and figure out if it’s more cost efficient to take another route.
The Kroger chain of supermarkets gives fuel discounts to customers who shop with their Kroger card, which has helped some people cut their gasoline expenses in half. Tom Thumb and Wal-Mart offer so many cents off per gallon when you use their card.
Note: Stay tuned for part two as we will reveal four additional tips to start saving money now.
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